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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(4): e20200560, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153881


ABSTRACT: The effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) application on whey protein concentrate was evaluated both before (pre-treatment - PT) and during (hydrolysis assisted - HA) hydrolysis processes. A factorial design 22 with 3 central points was used with pressure (100, 250, 400 MPa) and time (5, 20 and 35 minutes) as independent variables. The hydrolysis was evaluated and monitored by soluble protein, aromatic amino acid contents and RP-HPLC. ABTS and ORAC tests were used to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant capacity. The reduction of soluble protein content was approximately 20% for conventional hydrolysis and for all PT treatments up to 4 h of reaction, while HHP assisted hydrolysis at 100 MPa showed a 35% protein reduction after 35 minutes of reaction. In addition, pressurization favored peptic hydrolysis of β-lactoglobulin by up to 98% and also improved the in vitro antioxidant capacity of the hydrolysates, which increased from 34.25 to 60.89 μmoles TE g-1 of protein in the best treatment. The results suggest that the use of HHP assisted hydrolysis favored the peptic hydrolysis, with a reduction in hydrolysis time and increased antioxidant activity.

RESUMO: Neste estudo, o efeito da aplicação de alta pressão hidrostática (HHP) sobre o concentrado proteico de soro de leite foi avaliado antes (pré-tratamento - PT) e durante os processos de hidrólise (assistida por hidrólise - HA). Utilizou-se o delineamento fatorial 22 com três pontos centrais, onde as variáveis independentes foram pressão (100, 250, 400 MPa) e tempo (5, 20 e 35 minutos). A hidrólise foi avaliada pelo conteúdo de proteínas solúveis e aminoácidos aromáticos, além do perfil peptídico por RP-HPLC. As análises de ABTS e ORAC foram utilizadas para avaliar a capacidade antioxidante in vitro. A redução do teor de proteína solúvel foi de aproximadamente 20% para a hidrólise convencional e para todos os pontos de PT até 4h de reação, enquanto a hidrólise assistida por HHP a 100 MPa mostrou uma redução de 35% de proteína em 35 minutos de reação. Além disso, a pressurização favoreceu a hidrólise péptica da β-lactoglobulina em até 98% e também melhorou a capacidade antioxidante in vitro dos hidrolisados, que aumentaram de 34,25 para 60,89 μmoles de TE g-1 de proteína no melhor tratamento. Os resultados sugerem que o uso da hidrólise assistida por HHP favoreceu a hidrólise péptica, com redução no tempo de hidrólise e aumento da atividade antioxidante.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(6)dic. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388443


ABSTRACT The inclusion of pulse flours with higher dietary fiber content in bakery products, such as chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) flour, has been exploited by the food industry due to its nutritional and sensory characteristics. This work aimed to develop a sandwich bread with a partial substitution (7.5%, 15%, and 30%) of refined wheat flour by whole chickpea flour (WCF) and also to evaluate the effects on sensory acceptance, physicochemical parameters, and texture profile during the shelf life. Four methods for obtaining WCF were assessed and the best condition was used to produce the sandwich bread. Sensory evaluation was carried out with 65 consumers using a 9-point hedonic scale and a purchase intention scale. Firmness, elasticity, cohesiveness, chewability, and fracturability was evaluated by the Texture Profile Analysis (TPA). The specific volume, total fungi count, pH, titratable acidity, and moisture content were also determined. The nutritional composition was estimated by mass balance. Data demonstrated that there was no difference (p>0.05) in sensory evaluation of the products elaborated with different concentrations of WCF, and all samples presented good acceptance. The addition of WCF did not cause negative effects on the texture and volume characteristics of the bread. The sample with 30% WCF had adequate technological characteristics, resulting in a product with higher nutritional value, especially dietary fiber, and was well accepted by the consumers. This formulation can be used by the food industry and also in domestic preparations, contributing to the diversification and nutritional enrichment of sandwich bread.

RESUMEN La inclusión de harinas de granos no convencionales con mayor contenido de fibra dietética en productos de panadería, como la harina integral de garbanzo (HIG) (Cicer arietinum L), es utilizada por la industria alimentaria debido a sus características nutricionales y sensoriales. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un pan para sándwich (PPS) con sustitución parcial (7.5%, 15% y 30%) de harina de trigo refinada por HIG así como evaluar la aceptación sensorial, parámetros fisicoquímicos y el perfil de textura durante su vida útil. Fueron evaluados cuatro métodos para la obtención de HIG, utilizándose la mejor condición para producir el PPS. Sesenta y cinco consumidores realizaron la evaluación de aceptación sensorial e intención de compra con una escala hedónica de 9 puntos. La firmeza, la elasticidad, la cohesión, la masticabilidad y la fracturabilidad se evaluaron mediante el análisis de perfil de textura (TPA). También se determinó el volumen específico, el recuento total de hongos, el pH, la acidez titulable y el contenido de humedad. La composición nutricional se estimó por balance de masa. Todas las muestras presentaron buena aceptabilidad sin diferencias estadística. La adición de HIG no causó efectos negativos en la textura ni el volumen del PPS. La muestra con 30% de HIG tubo características tecnológicas adecuadas, resultando en un producto con mayor valor nutricional, especialmente por la fibra dietética. Esta formulación podría ser utilizada por la industria alimentaria y también en preparaciones domésticas, contribuyendo a la diversificación y al enriquecimiento nutricional del pan para sándwich.